Saturday, April 16, 2011

Today is the Day!

Hello all,

We hope you are as excited as we are for tonight's event. It will truly be the biggest communication event of the year. This means you should be there!

Please note the location change from the SUB Alumni to the SUB Down Under. We'll have signs posted around the building in case you and your friends don't catch this message.

Thanks for your support and see you soon!


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Communication Showcase is Almost Here!

Hello everyone,

After a lot of planning and scheduling, the Communication Showcase is finally here! We have worked very hard this semester to bring past, current and prospective communication students the best showcase there is to offer.

The event will begin at 6 p.m. in the Student Union Building Alumni Room. In the first hour of the showcase we will be hosting three Truman alumni who will be discussing how they have used their communication degrees in their careers. Our three panelists are:

-Jackie Gonzalez, graduate students, Tufts University
-Kyle Hill, radio journalist, KURM
-Diane Poelker, account executive, Fleishman Hillard, Inc.

Following the panel discussion a short question and answer session, students from communication organizations, student media, and communication courses will present their work. At this time, other works will be displayed around the room along with a handful of students who will be available for questions. During this time representatives from the student organizations and student media will have tables set up where students can learn more about these groups.

Student media that will be in attendance include:
-The Index, newspaper
-KTRM, radio station
-Detours, travel magazine
-News36, television station

Student organizations that will be in attendance include:
-Lamdba Pi Eta
-National Broadcasting Society

Works will be presented from communication classes such as:
-Persuasion Theory
-Social Movements
-Media Criticism
-Political Communication
-Survey of Rhetoric
-Travel and Tourism Public Relations
-News Reporting and Writing
-and more!

(Details of the schedule can be found under the "Schedule of Events" tab at the top of the page.)

To finish the evening, we will have an awards and scholarship portion where various members of the communication department will be recognized for their outstanding work in the department. Students who won foundation scholarships will be awarded as well.

Awards and scholarships that will be handed out include:
-Professor of the Year (presented by Lambda Pi Eta)
-Clifton Cornwell Award for Electronic Media
-Dvorak Journalism
-Linnea L. Ratcliff
-H. Chandler Monroe Memorial
-Carrie T. Nauyalis Communication
-Samuel Burk

Light refreshments will also be served throughout the evening in the HUB right outside the Alumni room. Refreshments are provided by the Communication Club and Social Movements class.

As you can see, there is something for everyone at the showcase. Whether you're just beginning in the major or finishing up your college career, the Communication Showcase is an opportunity to celebrate the department's accomplishments with your peers. We hope you will join us for this inaugural event.


Kelly Fox and Amanda Goeser

Jazz Funeral Social Movement Demonstration

The following event will take place before the Communication Showcase. Those wishing to attend the showcase should look into participating in this event as well. 

Smoke-Free Truman Movement
Stages Jazz Funeral for Tobacco
Sat. April 16
Incremental improvements in the restriction of tobacco continue to take place at Truman State University, but supporters for acompletely smoke-free campus are not satisfied.  Truman’s Board of Governors approved at the Dec. 2010 meeting an amendment to the code of policies that would prohibit smoking within 25 feet of any university building, effective Aug. 1.  A cursory search of tobacco policies on campus reflects a current range of 20 feet to 10 feet away from entrances.  Students for a Smoke-free Truman contend that on snowy days or rainy days, current policies are regularly violated, and they sincerely doubt that adding 5 more feet to an already flawed policy will deter anyone.

“What we need, what we want is a smoke-free campus!  We need to put tobacco 6 feet under!” proclaimed Social Movement professor of Communication, Dr. Barry Poyner.  And that is exactly what organizers plan to do on Sat. April 16.  To demonstrate their discontent with any tobacco anywhere on campus, student organizers have organized a Jazz Funeral.   The Funeral Procession will begin at Barnett Hall with opening remarks at 5:00 p.m.  It will proceed down sidewalks to the Student Union Building where the Hub (Quiet Lounge) has been reserved.  The “death” of old Man Tobacco will be celebrated with jazz music, cake, and punch! Refreshments are courtesy of the National Communication Association Student Club (Communication Club) and Ekklesia (campus ministry for Churches of Christ). Those wishing to participate are encouraged to wear colorful shirts and hats, wave colorful handkerchiefs, and twirl umbrellas.  Participants are encouraged to shout anti-tobacco messages and prepare anti-tobacco signs and to familiarize themselves with songs such as “When the Saints Go Marching In” and “We Shall Overcome.”  In case of rain the entire event will be held in the SUB Hub.

The Jazz funeral is an entertaining warm-up act for the main attraction, The Communication Showcase, held in the SUB from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.   This event, organized by Communication seniors Kelly Fox and Amanda Goeser, showcases the accomplishments of Communication alumni, student media and organizations, and showcases the scholarly inquiry of current students.  Throughout the evening, the public may return to the Hub for refreshments. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Submission Process Wrap-Up

One big thank you to all who made submissions to this year's Communication Showcase. We've received many high-caliber papers, projects, and articles that will adequately represent the exceptional work of Truman State University's communication students.

The Communication Showcase coordinators will confirm your submission and participation in the event during the coming weeks; please check your e-mail frequently. We will be hosting a brief meeting for all those involved with event on Wednesday, April 13th at 8 p.m.

Be sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, April 16 from 6-9 p.m in the Truman State University Student Union Building Alumni Room. The event will be an open house format, with the schedule of presenters available soon!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Kelly Fox and Amanda Goeser at

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Submission Guidelines

COMM Show Us What You Got!
Submission form available below. Please read the guidelines before preceding.

1. All participants must be a communication major or minor, member of student organization, or an employee of student media.

2. All works submitted must have been completed at Truman in the Fall 2009 semester or later.

3. All works must be designated as one of three categories: student media, organization, or class work.

- Student media includes: The Index, KTRM, Detours Magazine, and News 36
- Organizations include: Ad&PR, Lambda Pi Eta, NCASC, National Broadcasting Society, Society of   Professional Journalists, and Forensics
- Academic: Any course offered by the communication department

4. Each student may make no more than two submissions.

5. Group projects must recognize the work of all members. If submission is the work of more than one student, consent must be given by all involved.

6. Each submission will be involved with the Communication Showcase in one of three ways:

- Display only (work will be available for viewing during the event and posted online)
- Display and be available for questions (student(s) must attend event)
- Display and formal presentation

7. Formal presentations must not exceed five minutes in length, and may include an excerpt and discussion of the submission. Examples might include showing clips of package, reading a passage of a paper, sharing a PowerPoint, etc.

8. All submissions must include two parts:

- Completion of submission form by March 25
- Electronic copy of work sent to

9. Forms will be available online at

Important dates

March 16, 2011: First volunteer meeting (all welcome!) at 8 p.m. in Barnett 1202.

March 21, 2011: Communication Showcase organizers will review submissions and confirm presentations and displays via e-mail.

March 25, 2011: Submission due online.

Participants must confirm their involvement and time spot must be accepted (if applicable). All materials must be submitted to

April 6, 2011: Organizational meeting for all presenters and students with display pieces at 8 p.m. in Barnett 1202

Please note: If you have any special circumstances, questions, or concerns with the above guidelines, please e-mail Communication showcase organizers may accept or reject submissions based on deadlines, guidelines, content of the work, and quality of the work.

Submit your work for the Communication Showcase! Due March 25!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Looking for Underclassmen Feedback!

Hey Comm 240 and 250 students -

We are especially seeking out the input of freshman and sophomore students in planning the Communication Showcase. As upperclassmen, we've demystified Truman and the communication department experience, but this showcase is partly for YOU! What still mystifies you about Truman's communication department? Classes? Projects? Organizations?

Tell us... Take this quick survey to let your voice be heard!

- Amanda & Kelly

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

So What Do YOU Have in Mind?

As we prepare for the first event of its kind at Truman State University, we need to hear what you are thinking! What types of work would you like to check out? What types of work would you be willing to submit? Please let your voice be heard - take the following survey by Sunday, February 6.

Enjoy the second snow day, Truman!

--Amanda and Kelly