Submission Information

Three options for participation:
  1. Display only
  2. Display and be available the day of
  3. Display and present the day of
Pick the option that best reflects you and your work!

Three categories of submissions:
  1. Media (The Index, KTRM, News 36, and Detours)
  2. Student Organizations (Ad&PR, Lambda Pi Eta, NCASC, National Broadcasting Society, Society of Professional Journalists, and Forensics)
  3. Academic
Submissions might include:
Media Law Research Paper
Advertising Group Project
Media Writing Piece
Index Article
Public Speaking Speech
KTRM Package
Research Conference Submission
Ad&PR Client PR Plan
Public Relations Local Project
Internship Artifacts
Pub. Design Samples
News 36 Clip
Political Communication Blog
Advertising Campaign
Forensics Speeches
Portfolio Items
Rhetorical Criticism Paper

The submission form is now available online! Visit the homepage to make your submission by March 25!